I'm convinced. She just can't control herself. She's a pathological liar. Big things, small things it simply doesn't matter Pa-lie-n will lie about anything. From Jake Tapper at ABC News...
At a fundraiser in Canton, Ohio, this evening, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had an interesting description of her speech to the Republican convention. “There Ohio was right out in front, right in front of me," Palin said. "The teleprompter got messed up, I couldn’t follow it, and I just decided I’d just talk to the people in front of me. It was Ohio.”Maybe Jack can point her in the direction of a facility where she can get the help she needs.
"The teleprompter did not break," wrote Politico's Jonathan Martin. "I was sitting in the press section next to the stage, within easy eyeshot of the teleprompter. I frequently looked up at the machine, and there was no serious malfunction. A top convention planner confirms this morning that there were no major problems."
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