From looking at this photo essay from Mother Jones one could easily think we were back in the 1950's. The 58 year old seamstress come from a family whose roots (it's kind of uncomfortable to use that word in this sentence) go back five generations in the Klan. She uses her earnings from making Klan outfits...robes...costumes (that sounds appropriate) to help her care for her daughter who was injured in a car accident 10 years ago.
I've been trying to write this post for the last three days when I first came across the photo essay. In the process I've been trying to figure out how I feel about the photo essay. I've concluded that I don't feel anger or fear but instead a sense of sadness, bewilderment and surprise. I have no illusions about racism...I fully realize that racism, both subtle and blatant, is alive and well in the country (how big of a lead would Obama have over McCain if he was caucasian?).
What saddens and surprises me is to discover that organized hatred and racism in the form of the Klan is still in operation in some parts of this country and that a small minded woman who is caring for her daughter resorts to supporting it. I would have bet that by now that the KKK had been banished to the garbage bin of history where it rightly belongs.
Unfortunately, I would have lost that bet.
1 comment:
This is why it is still so hard for me to say that I am proud of my country. In just a few months we will elect the first African American President, but America still has a long way to go.
I don't know which is worse her making the costumes or those that purchase them. What's worse is that she probably makes a decent living making such foolishness.
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