Saturday, December 20, 2008

Turning Cheap Wine into Fine Wine

What's the deal with people rushing things and taking the easy way out? Some things are just meant to take time no matter what and wine is one of them. This is just wrong.

Pass an undrinkable, red wine between a set of high-voltage electrodes and it becomes pleasantly quaffable. "Using an electric field to accelerate ageing is a feasible way to shorten maturation times and improve the quality of young wine," says Hervé Alexandre, professor of oenology at the University of Burgundy.

They pumped the wine through a pipe that ran between two titanium electrodes, [blah, blah, blah]...
The results were striking. With the gentlest treatment, the harsh, astringent wine grew softer. Longer exposure saw some of the hallmarks of ageing emerge- a more mature "nose", better balance and greater complexity. The improvements reached their peak after 3 minutes at 600 volts per centimetre: this left the wine well balanced and harmonious, with a nose of an aged wine and, importantly, still recognizably a cabernet sauvignon.

"Not only can it shorten a wine's normal storage time, it can also improve some lower-quality wine," he says. "It works just as well with other grape varieties such as merlot and shiraz."

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