You may recall how I feel about Clarence Thomas from my prior post comparing Palin to him. If you never read that post, in a toned-down G-rated nutshell he's a disgrace to the black race and not fit to be a Supreme Court Justice.
His latest charade is to question the legitimacy of Obama to be President...freaking unbelievable!
The American Chronicle has a good write-up on this idiocy...
The harebrained lawsuit demanding disclosure whether President elect Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen or not was laughed out of New Jersey courts in October. A few weeks later Supreme Court Justice David Souter gave it just as short shrift. But that didn´t end the matter.Add childish to Uncle Thomas' resume.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas saw to that. He took the almost never heard of step of reopening the issue by agreeing to put the matter to a conference vote.
Thomas´s ridiculous lone wolf effort to arm twist the justices to examine the birth certificate issue made no sense to most legal experts. Obama was born in Hawaii. And he has produced more than enough evidence to back that up.
But Thomas´s legal meddle on the Obama birth certificate non-issue fits perfectly in with his jaundiced interpretation of law and its practice and his private vow to get revenge on his liberal tormentors. Obama is the latest would be victim.
He almost certainly stirred Thomas´s personal ire back in August. Obama was asked at a joint church gathering with Republican rival John McCain at the mega Saddleback church in Lake Forest, California which justice he wouldn´t have nominated to the Supreme Court. He didn´t hesitate. He named Thomas. And he told why.
"I don´t think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time, for that elevation, setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretations of a lot of the constitution."
Even if Obama hadn´t zinged Thomas publicly he still would have been in his sights. He is the polar opposite of Thomas. Thomas butt in in the Obama birth certificate non-issue is simply a thumb nose at Obama.
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