Saturday, June 20, 2009

Double Vision

Lies and distortion of the truth are what authoritarian regimes do to maintain their control. Although various statistical analyses indicate that the elections in Iran were rigged, I can't say with 100% certainty that was the case but I can see with my own eyes and I am 100% certain that the Iranian government has in the past PhotoShopped pictures (remember the fake missile) for propaganda purposes and continues to do so.

The crazy thing is that they think they can do it without getting busted.

From the DailyKos...

When a thuggish government is so desperate that it has to photoshop pictures of its own rallies to give them more credibility vs. the opposition rallies, it's in some serious trouble.

1 comment:

Anders said...

Same idea as with the election, apparently... From CNN 6/21/09:

Iran's election authority has rejected claims of voting irregularities by a defeated presidential candidate, while acknowledging that the number of ballots cast in dozens cities exceeded the number of eligible voters in those areas, state-run TV reported Monday.

It must have been all those people in the photo voting.


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