A few interesting excerpts from a Smart Money article...
Look But Don't Touch: The second you try on that sweater — or take that car for a test drive or start using that trial version of an expensive piece of software — you start to feel ownership of it. And it’s that much harder to give it back. In fact, merely touching an object can induce feelings of ownership and make a person willing to pay more for the object in question. No wonder Apple wants to give you every chance to play with the iPhone in their stores.
Watch Out Guys: A 2007 study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reported that “romantically primed” men (that is, men induced to think about sex by means of being shown pictures of attractive women) were more likely to splurge on items of conspicuous consumption, like a new car, a fancy watch or a new cellphone. Women responded to romantic priming by reporting more willingness to spend time volunteering.
A Penny Saved: A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that when pens were priced at $1.99 and $4.00, only 18% of the participants chose the higher-priced pen; but when the pens were priced at $2.00 and $3.99, 44% of the participants selected the higher-priced pen. That one-cent price drop makes the $4 pen seem a lot cheaper.
1 comment:
So, so, true. :)
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