Thursday, March 4, 2010

Breaking Into Auschwitz

I once visited a former concentration camp, Dachau, which is just outside of Munich. It's been close to 25 years since my visit and although the details have faded, my memories of the horrific barracks, gas chamber, and ovens will be etched in my mind forever.

For Denis Avey to have the courage to break into a concentration camp and escape alive is beyond heroic.

From the Times (UK)...
“I joined the Stripeys and marched into Monowitz, a predominantly Jewish camp. As we passed beneath the Arbeit Macht Frei [work makes you free] sign, everyone stood up straight and tried to look as healthy as they could. There was an SS officer there, weeding out the weaklings for the gas. Overhead was a gallows, which had a corpse hanging from it, as a deterrent. An orchestra was playing Wagner to accompany our march. It was chilling.”

The full story is remarkable.

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