Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Now or Never

Now is the time to make a difference.

Either health care will pass or we'll be debating a poor step-child of the current health care bill 15 years from now and in the intervening years hundreds of thousands of our neighbors, friends and relatives will have needlessly died due to lack of or substandard healthcare.

From Ezra Klein at The Washington Post...

Over the past hundred or so years, the health-care system has gone from a very small portion of our economy to about a fifth of it. That's a remarkable rise. And it has been accompanied by a similar rise in the political power of the health-care industry. I've previously argued that the history of health-care reform is a history of decreasing ambition: FDR and Harry Truman propose something like single-payer, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson ratchet back to single-payer for seniors and poor people, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton offer national systems that rely on private providers, and now President Obama is building a private system that's initially limited to small businesses and individuals.

There are a lot of reasons for that. One is that political defeat engenders future timidity. But another is that the gaps between proposals give the health-care industry time to grow even larger and more politically.

This is the change we voted for. Call your Senator or Representative and demand that they vote YES on the healthcare bill.

1 comment:

mariev said...

I really hope they vote YES!


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