Monday, June 21, 2010

The Good Pirate

As discussed in an earlier post, Somali piracy is the complex end result of a series of domestic and international screw-ups. There's a lot of blame to spread around but in this particular instance the blame squarely falls back on the international community.

From MSNBC...
The pirate cook smuggled food to the terrified hostages held by his gang off the Somali coast. He bought them cell phone cards. And when the pirates started talking about harvesting their organs for cash, he sneaked them guns.

The hostages killed the pirates and escaped. But now the life of the Somali cook, known only as Ahmed, is in danger. Despite actions the crew described as heroic, European Union nations, Syria and nearby Djibouti have all refused to take him, according to an official who was not authorized to talk.

Ahmed has since disappeared. It is thought to be the first time someone working for the pirates has turned against them to help hostages. "In my mind, cook Ahmed was an angel sent by God," said Cretu. "Without his intervention, without his courage, we would have been dead. I owe my life to my Somali friend and I want to take him into my home if possible so he and his family can change their lives," said Cretu.

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