Some were were severely inconvenienced, others fortunate beneficiaries. We definitely fell into the latter category.
Now there's a single edition magazine to commemerate Eyjafjallajokull and the eruption that ground a good portion of the world to a halt. A brilliant idea that would have been impossible without the internets (thanks Al Gore!).
Magtastic Blogsplosion...
A few months ago, when a volcano erupted and I was stuck in Dublin, I said this: This is an open call to designers, writers, photographers, illustrators, art directors and anyone else who is stranded by the ash cloud, and would like something to do.
If there’s one thing my ol’ ma taught me, it’s that when life gives you volcanoes, make magazines. And so we shall.
I’m nothing if not a man of my word, thus Stranded magazine is now on sale. The concept, commissioning and editing are all me; the design is all Matt McArthur, who was stranded in New York. We’ve yet to meet or even speak on the phone, but we worked together marvellously thanks to the wonders of modern communication. As for the words and images...they’re courtesy of more than fifty fantastically talented people I’ve never met, all of whom were similarly stuck.
What we’ve made of it all is an 88-page souvenir of a moment in time when a non-life-threatening crisis hit the world, one for which nobody was to blame, and nobody knew how long it would last. People scrambled to find alternative routes home, any way, any how, or tried to make the best of wherever fate had placed them. It was a moment of unplanned disruption, never to be repeated in quite the same way.
All proceeds go directly to the International Rescue Committee to help people stranded in a more permanent way.
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