Monday, December 20, 2010


Google released a new tool the other day called Ngram that lets you to compare the frequency with which words and phrases have been used in books through time.  Dogs continue to outpace cats, homemade is making a comeback, and vampires have pulled into a clear lead ahead of their werewolf and zombie brethern.

From The Atlantic...
Digital humanities scholars have been doing this kind of research for years, but opening up the Google Books corpus (or least one-third of it) for easy investigation like this is unprecedented. Google estimates that this data is based on about five percent of all the books published since Gutenberg.

I posted about the viewer yesterday and asked for your help finding other telling Ngrams. Responses have flooded in on Twitter and in the comments of that post. Here's my first attempt at bringing some of your brilliant finds to light.

Dog, Cat
Vampire, Werewolf, Zombie

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