Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Rationale Approach

It's a drug and it helps people, so treat it like one.

From The Daily Dish...
When we went to see her oncologist a couple of weeks later for her regular check up, he took one look at her and said, “Well look at you! You look wonderful! Those anti-nausea medications seem to be doing the trick.” She and I looked at each other, and I told him that the pills he had prescribed did nothing to help with her nausea - she still threw up eight to twelve times a day. I told him that she was using marijuana and that it had made a big difference - not only in keeping her from getting sick, but also in helping her get her appetite back and removing her fear of chemo.

He looked at [my wife] and asked her if that was true; was she using marijuana? My wife told him yes. His entire demeanor instantly changed. He said that was a load of crap and that he had read all the studies on it and that marijuana did nothing to help the effects of chemo and that she was “stupid” for using an illegal narcotic.

My demeanor instantly changed too, and I asked to speak with him in the hallway.

I followed him out of the exam room, and when he turned to face me I told him if he ever spoke to my wife like that again, I would deck him. I told him that regardless of his feelings about marijuana, it was helping my wife in more ways than simply helping with the nausea; it was helping her open up and talk about her illness - something she had not been able to do until now.

Can anyone rationally claim that medical marijuana is worse or more addictive than OxyCotin, Percocet or any of the other highly addicative prescription drugs currently on the market?

The entire heartbreaking story and the follow-up post is well worth a read.

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