Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Has to Stop

Sounds like the pilot is the one who should have been escorted off the plane.

From HuffPo...
Masudur Rahman, who is [an imam and] also an adjunct instructor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, said that he and another imam had already been allowed to board their Delta Connection flight to Charlotte, N.C., before they were asked to de-board.

Rahman said he was dressed in traditional Indian clothing and his traveling companion was dressed in Arab garb, including traditional headgear.

The aircraft pulled away from the gate, but the pilot then announced the plane must return, Rahman said. When it did, the imams were asked to go back to the boarding gate where Rahman said they were told the pilot was refusing to accept them because some other passengers could be uncomfortable.

Rahman said Delta officials talked with the pilot for more than a half-hour, but he still refused.

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