So what is floating? Well it's has nothing to do with the old song by the Floaters...remember that one, "Cancer and my name is Larry. And I like a woman that loves everything and everybody." Anyway, it's difficult to explain but essentially floating is sensory deprivation. You enter a float pod, pictured above, which contains about 10 inches of a solution of water and 1000lbs of epson salt. Because of all the salt in the water when you lay down you float effortlessly...including your head.
The pod door is closed and you are now in pitch black darkness. No sights, sounds, smells...zip, nada, nothing...but this is when it gets interesting. Because of the total sensory deprivation, you feel as though you are literally floating in time and space not in a 4 foot wide pod. You lose complete track of time and your mind wanders off into a very surreal, pleasant, and totally relaxed space.
I'm sure the experience is different for everyone but if you enjoy a good massage every now and then substitute a floating session one day and try it out. We loved it.
Click here for the float center we went to in Oakland and here for a list of float centers across the U.S.
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