Wow: 30 Reasons - Reason #26 and #25
If you think about it: money would be saved, lives would be spared, awkward conversations would be avoided, and we could all start taking better care of ourselves instead of worrying about others. The decision doesn't have to be made in a split second—but it does have to be made. And it has to be made by the right man.
Lenny Naar & Melissa Dreyer
New York, New York

For years, every presidential campaign seemed to me like it was happening in the past, with old ideas and old issues that I thought we had gotten past a long time ago. Barack Obama is the first candidate in recent memory to look ahead—not just to the future but to the unknown—and remind us that we all have the power to make things better.
This poster shows a blue field with 50 rings (based on the O in Obama) moving forward and coming together as one.
Scott Stowell
New York, New York
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