Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wow: Hour-By-Hour Election Guide

For all of the anxious folks out there (that includes me too) Nate Silver from fivethirtyeight.com has written an excellent hour-by-hour election guide for what to watch for as the results come in this evening.
In 2000 and 2004, the outcome of the presidential race was unknown into the wee hours of the morning (and indeed for several weeks thereafter in 2000). This time, it is possible that we will be able to guess the winner of the presidential race relatively early in the evening. Regardless, there will be plenty to watch Tuesday night, particularly for those who can appreciate a good slugfest in the Senate. And lest we count John McCain out, we need only remember the polling disasters that befell states like New Hampshire in this year's primaries. Here, then, is what I will be watching each hour on election night...

The entire guide is available at Newsweek by clicking here.

Also, in case you're really anxious, relax. Based on a compilation of hundreds of polling results this is how Nate sees the election shaping up...

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