Day 4 (aka Thursday): "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night"
Now I'm confused. How can there be light on Monday if the sun and the stars weren't created until Thursday?
Hmmmm...maybe the light was just a glow, kind of bioluminescence-like. On second thought that would require living organisms which didn't hit the stage until Wednesday. Oh well, I'll leave that up to Sarah and the Creationists (nice name for a band) to figure out.
In the meantime, Pope Benedict, now also known as the Green Pope, has started to leverage his Boss's prior work.
From Inhabitat.com...
Vatican City has just installed 2,400 photovoltaic solar panels on the 5,000 square meter roof of Nervi Hall where popes hold general audiences when the weather is poor. The 1.2 million euro ($1.6 million) system went live earlier this month just hours before Pope Benedict held what is being called the “first ecological general audience in the Vatican.“
Since we're sort of on the subject of light, not too far from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in Kampung Kuantan there is a river on whose banks reside one of the world's largest colonies of fireflies. It's become a pretty big tourist attraction which led folks to designate the area a firefly reserve. So if you're ever in KL and bored out of your mind (which is pretty easy in KL) go take look at the lightning bugs. I haven't been yet but I hear it's quite a sight.
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