Monday, November 28, 2011

This Week's Flavor: Dulce de Leche

Thanksgiving this year, as is the case every year, was a wonderful day.  After a delicious dinner, we closed it out with a couple of sweets.

This year, I decided to try something different and prepared a Pumpkin Pecan Bread Pudding.  It was supposed to be accompanied by Dulce de Leche ice cream but I had a memory fail the night before (or was it too much wine?) and forgot to pre-freeze the ice cream maker.  All worked out fine thanks to Häagen-Dazs -- we had the homemade version last night with some friends.

Orange-cardamom chocolate truffles coated in cocoa, chopped pecans, and shredded coconut capped off dessert for the evenng.

The recipes are here:

Pumpkin Pecan Bread Pudding (I used the mods in the comments to the recipe by foodlover07)
Dulce de Leche Ice Cream (skipped the optional pecans)
Dulce de Leche (I substituted goat's milk so technically I think it's cajeta.)
Orange-Cardamom Chocolate Truffles (very easy to make but messy, if rolling by hand run your hands under cold water and dry every few minutes to chill them down)

P.S. Full disclosure: those aren't my photos but close.

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