Monday, December 29, 2008

RANdom Thought: Why Republican?

In the days since I posted about "Barack, the Magic Negro" I've been asking myself: "Why would a logical and rational person self-identify as Republican?"

Leaders of the Republican party embrace creationism (Palin) and racism (too many to cite), and the myth that Republicans are "fiscally disciplined" has been debunked for a very long time.

I realize that there are people with creationists views, racists views and other extreme views within the Democratic Party BUT these people are NOT the leaders of the party nor do they represent core elements of the party as they do within the GOP.

So what is it that drives a perfectly logical person who understands evolution, is not racist and is fiscally conservative to say "I'm a Republican".

Why not say "I'm an Independent"?

I just don't get it.


Anonymous said...

I don't quite understand it either. But, I think that sometimes it is because of what is happening on a local political level, rather than national. Some might agree with the policies of local republicans and thus identify with the group. I don't know. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I don't quite understand it either. But, I think that sometimes it is because of what is happening on a local political level, rather than national. Some might agree with the policies of local republicans and thus identify with the group. I don't know. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

That's a good point. I hope that's the answer.

Unknown said...

I dunno either. I'm a proud and grumpy old Eisenhower Republican and remember the days when the 'out' party was called the loyal opposition. In the words of one very flawed Republican: I didn't leave my party, my party left me...sigh.


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